Kerberos Club

From RPGS surrounding the Labcats
Revision as of 18:14, 29 July 2013 by Lisa (talk | contribs)




  • Henry / Neville: 1
  • Lord George Mace: 5 Fate points (aka 1 Refresh)
  • Lady Angelina Durless: 1 Fate point
  • Martin: 1 Fate point. Aspect: That Looks Tasty!
  • Anne: 1 Fate point
  • Lady Sage: 1 Fate point (likely has a second by now)
  • Lord Winston Beauchamp: Either 1 or 2 Fate points depending on what one gives Compelled NPCs
  • Sir Daniel Fleming: 1 Fate point
  • Dr. Butler: 1 Fate point

PC Fate Points

What is faerie doing in london?

That is what I mean to find ouyt

Telll \\the m this is wildly inapproprite

That is not indicatibe of whether one cqan or whetehr they are merely impuslive

Leon's apparently found a job as an esterior decorator

Youve been waiting months to say that havent you?

NMo, it just came to me now

When in doubt, get undressed

So if I were a fairy, I'd have an appointment like 10K year into the futrue so i could always say excuse me i have an appointment

And we have a faerie opium dealer to question

Talk to. QUestioning is hostile

Perhas hes just stupid

He's Not Many things and that is one of them.

Go, sleep! Sleep!

Iwasnt going to be around for over a year

Did you tell her that?


I'll send her a letter

I'll tell her in person when I rescue her

He wouldnt put it past you

I wouldnt put it past me -- that's a great idea

It was rather delightful waking up and knowing that youd been there

We all have our own pecduliar morals

Reading peoples mails

WInding without permission

Lying about your provbisions

Can I get av raincheck on theck on rthe cthunderstor,m

He thinks theres a toff behind it all

Oh for freinds who wont throw other frined s ounder a bus

Did you want a kingdom?



We have an army

Wer have a Talos

I hope he was no inebriated last night

Yes were in a room alone thats mean its full of servants

Aspet: By the way Mr. Knight sends his regards

Grab WInbston./..

Hire Victor Knight!

Or Lucius Moreland.

We're in extraordinary circumstances

Yes but I expected you to uproot a lampshade

I dont know how they do things on mars but where I come from proprieties are important

Primitive gods!

Appearances must be maintained

Giant clam

ZAone of giant snake protecting Victor and Alice inside the vclub

Dear its not my fault that your family finds me charming Clink

QWell it is, except with you

1. Do ity

2. Do it better

3. Find the boy

4. Find a way to reverse it

1. Figure out how it could be reversed

2. Improve the process

3. Make more devices

4. Find the boy

He is not going to be smart enough to get to the edge

He is acting like prey

Victor: 10 points of This Is How Emile Would Think Under These Cricumstances

I see. He's not behaving like prey, he's behaving like an outclassed predator

Emile no sense of self preservations

Alice: Go East until you reach a lady and a tiger. Then go up until you see the time. Then gto toward the time untiol a quarter after, then look down.

Aka Enigmatic Advice.

Sophronia: This is how Fairy Labyrinths Work.

Martin is not a tiger

He's already a tiger

Don't let him hear you say that

He's a vbery good tomcat


Black tiger with socks

Attic across the street from the churtch

Half sunken basement with baswement with exit

portion of town as quarter?

They cvan worry about whether he drinked the brandy himself


Do you really think anyone in my family needs more than ordinary brandy to act like a pompous overbearing megalomaniacal lord?

V; 15

S; 3 -> 6

R: 11

A: 10

You know who he needs help from?

ALEC Campion

You all are terrible people and that's an awesome idea.

Talos cannot smash or even speak sternly to...

So sneak in and beat evberyone up is down to plan h

Well... it's more like plan c

Get emile captured as plan b

Go! Go -- if we're caught we don't want to know where you are.

Okay, so we're taking a fate point and going reconnoitering for the braNDY

Reginald is going to HELP

Oh that sof aq b

You remember how we talkjedc about how we have to stop this?


I was wrong. We HAVE to stop this.

Roasalie planning to kidnap Doris to be sacrificed

Yes -- he should be

YTou're a mean person and I waqnt a fate point if I do that

Is she disappointd we havent stopped her evil plot?

It isn't HER evil plot!

Would V actually take some of this?

No, God No, I don't want to be like my mother!

I'm sure your wont casue a scene

only if you give me a fate point

Everybody's my ally until I DECIDE to kill them.

If I must

I told you that is the proper way to run aWAY FROM gentlemen

They aren't gentlemen


Lure gargoyles up

Wait, Alice, I want to see this!

Is my fiance here or in another castle?

Leane, Edgar, and Raven -- faerie

Emile -- Limehouse

Does she speak English?

No, but the dog can tell you what to say.

I do however inte3nd to learn chinese

I love that any more...

First... Any more??

That is news.

Isn't it.

I wasnt aware I ever did

I wasnt aware you ever did either

Wow that's one way to get Gentrified.

R: 12

V: 10->11

A: 12

S: 7

Next sesssoon is Bookery, 1 July

What trouble am I going to get into today -- no, that's the wrong question. Sophronia, what trouble should I get into today?

If we're going to talk about such volatile topics, we might as well just tell the truth.

Peter Tillinghast is a sweet, gentle -- well, relatively compassionate -- soul with all the brains of a pile of buttons.

An abolitionist!

Ooh, a Quaker Abolitionist!

Mr. Harnell? If you want a doctor you could marry him to Dr. Butler.

Martin Croyle

Narrative inevitablilty

I havbe a plan

Im not so sure about your plan and I dont know abouty that letter

Its not so much a new plan as another stage in the The Plan

Your father didn't give you a bnday part y like that

thanks goodness

did your father give you a party at all?

If I do this to him is it out of period?

Oh father, we've found you a friend

Right, better clothes. And date. WE CAQN do this

you are so lucky im hleping S help alice help vaness cuz otherwise id be help[ing you

It's about time for him to be a little more out

Intereting choice of words

I'm sorry Ive been ouyted as a decent man. Whill you still have me?

Id have you even if you were ACTUALLY A DECENT MAN

You dontenjoy invading faerie to take down an evil king whos possesing a friend of outs?

I do. I wd just rather party than plan it.

Op-er-a-tin-aql se-cur-i-tyt, all caps periods

Who caresw? I'm curious.

Do you know victor thats a little outside my skill set

Victor wd you like me to get you a thousand feet of spider silik

Do you know father, not everyone with ytour talents has your good sense as well.

It's cvomplicated

theres a war on i understand that

I buess its not that comlictaed

I wish top know nothing about it

you wont be coming?

I think you r foamnce at the wedding woudl be far too0 appropriate

Perhaps campiooon will show up

havbe a nive time dear

Even campion not showing up as it is more scandalous if alice remains elatively pure

Sophronia, do you want to help Victor out?

I'm thinking about it.

V I arribve on time! WHAT IS WRONG with you people?... I guesws Ishould arribe fashionabnle late

Your highness, I beg your pardon, but something horrible may have haqppened to me knight

Sir Knight... the shapehachanger, gregory, is afteaid something horrible has happened to you. Has it?

No, tell him I'll be there at what society considers a proper hour

No, G, nothing harrible has happened to mr. K. He intends to be late.

No, never.

Something about societal expaectations

Dear God, he's capable of learningt

Not spying, dang it! I'm trying to be a decent -- no, not really. I'm just not that interested in their relationship foibles, and am distracted by Angelina.

R: Finally!

Oh. Do I approve of the union?

YTou seemed to think it was a good idea.

Oh, excellent. Is it?

NMo,I dont want to know what asoula wd do to us if we misplaced her fiance

And I'm certainly notdealuing with wintsont compliangin about this marriage he's been working so hard on putting up with going cockeyed

I think we can rely upon mama's force of will to dragf us bnavk

I wasnt going to say it. It seemed rude.

Only if u say it without a smile.

Did you enjoy the party?

Oh yes, very much so!

I think you have a bit of grammar trouble.

KJerberan Grammarians!

I don't suppose Martianh has words for your present self and your future selfg?

Actually,k it does.

I don't suppose youd teach them to me.

I can, but I don't think it will help you much in English.